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With summer in full swing, the heat is probably one of the main things currently on your mind. Hopefully you’ve already turned on your AC system and that it’s working properly to keep you and your family cool. However, if you’re trying to choose a new AC unit or if you just need it repaired, here’s some tips for how to do that.

Repair or Replacement

Maybe you already have an AC unit installed in your home but it’s not working properly. The choice you may face is whether or not your unit should be replaced or simply needs some repairs. When deciding on which to do, you will want to consider the age of your current system and the repairs versus replacement costs.

If you have an old unit, a replacement might be the right choice for you. Or if you’re looking for a different type of AC system, for example going from a window unit to central air, this could be a good sign to purchase a new system.

Size of Your Home

How large of a home you have influences the AC unit you will want to install. If you’re in a smaller home, you can get a smaller unit and it can successfully keep your home cool. However, if you’re in a larger home with more rooms, you’ll probably choose a larger unit so that it has enough power to keep your home cool. Knowing the square footage of your home will help you when you’re discussing installation with who you hire.

Central Air Conditioning

Central Air Conditioning is where you have an AC unit that pushes cool air through your home using vents. This is a common choice and is the right one if you’re looking for a way to keep your home cool and all rooms at the same temperature. This unit does require a more intense installation but it will keep you the most cool.

Window Units

Window units are installed outside your window and provide cool air into that room. This is a popular choice in bigger cities and older homes. This is a cost effective choice and it comes with a minimal installation. It’s great at keeping one room cool in your home.

Portable Air Conditioning

A portable AC unit is great for if you’re renting a place without an AC unit or if you just have a smaller space to keep cool. This might not be the best choice if you have a house or multiple rooms you would like to keep cool at the same time.


A thermostat is installed when you get your central AC installed in order to give you control over the temperature of your home. There’s a standard thermostat you can use to manually adjust the temperature or there’s a smart thermostat that can learn your habits and saves your energy and money.