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With winter weather approaching, it’s time to think about how you’re going to keep your home warm and comfortable without breaking the bank on your next few energy bills. You can do many simple things to save big on energy and money these next few months! We’ve compiled a list of some of the easiest and cost-efficient ways to save.

Insulate Windows:

Windows are one of the top sources of cool air entering your home. A simple way to help this issue is insulating your windows. It’s simple, doesn’t cost much, and is efficient in keeping your house warm during the winter months.

Wear Warm Clothes to Compensate the Lower Thermostat:

When it comes to the temperature of your thermostat, a few degrees can make a significant difference in the energy bill. Next time you’re feeling cold, instead of making your way to the thermostat, try bundling up in a blanket or putting on a warm sweater and socks. You’ll be more comfortable, and you’ll save energy and money.

Keep Warm Air Circulating With Fan:

Just as a fan can circulate cool air throughout your house in the warmer months, it can also help in spreading the warmer air. Turning on the fan when you’ve first turned on your heater can help heat your home quicker.

Use Space Heater in Smaller Spaces:

Space heaters are a great way to save money instead of heating every room of your house with your heating system. Space heaters can be beneficial in bedrooms that aren’t constantly being used, so you can turn it off during the day when no one’s home and turn it on again in the evening before bed.

Turn Down Thermostat at Night:

Before you hop into bed, turn down the thermostat when you’re sleeping. The house doesn’t need to be as warm at night when you’re tucked underneath warm blankets as it does during the day! The 8 hours of cooler temperatures in the house, while you’re sleeping, will end up saving you more than you’d expect on your next energy bill.

Let the Sun Shine Through Windows:

The sun is a free natural source of heat that you should use to your advantage during the day! Simply opening your blinds and curtains can make a huge difference in your home’s temperature during the day.

Keep Garage Door Closed:

Garages are typically not heated and therefore reach frigid temperatures during the winter months. Suppose the garage door is left ajar or isn’t closed all the way; it can quickly bring cold air into your home. Make a habit of closing the garage door tightly whenever you get home and make sure everyone else starts this practice as well.