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It can be especially tempting to crank up the AC in the summer months and have the cooling relief each time you walk into your home or apartment. However, when the AC bill comes in at the end of the month, it’s not typically a relief that you feel. This being said, you can still enjoy a cooled-down home without breaking the bank! Keep reading to find out how.

● Keep temperature higher than normal when you’re not home:
Make a habit of turning up the thermostat a few degrees each time you leave the house. Those few degrees can make all the difference on your next bill, and who needs a cold home when you’re not even inside? Don’t feel the need to turn off the AC altogether. Make it a little warmer than how you typically like it, and then turn it back down when you’re back at home.

● Turn on ceiling fans to keep the house cooler:
Utilize the ceiling fans in your home if you have them! This helps circulate the cool air around your house evenly and makes it so your AC doesn’t have to work as hard all day. Leave bedroom doors open so that they can feel the effects of the fan.

● Get regular maintenance done:
It’s a great idea to get maintenance done on your AC at some point during the warmer months. Refrigerant levels should be checked, and the coils and blower components should be cleaned. When the system is working correctly, it will do its job efficiently, saving you money in the long run.

● Close curtains and blinds during the day:
You install curtains and blinds to provide and shade, so you might as well use them for such! Don’t let the harsh sun rays heat your house when you have curtains to help block that extra heat from coming inside! Curtains and blinds make all the difference in keeping your home cool. While it’s nice to have natural light in the morning, make sure to close up those windows in the afternoon when the sun’s rays are at their strongest.