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Can household plants improve indoor air quality? Is it a myth or does it hold true to recent scientific findings and research? To the satisfaction of many plantaholics, air quality does improve when certain plants are placed across the indoor space. Household plants have innumerable benefits ranging from improving your focus to reducing stress. But, a common reason for general reluctance is simple unawareness and uneasiness to adapt to a new home setup model.

Small household plants help in many ways. But, for them to effectively work, you must expose them to quite a few hours of daily sunlight with regular watering, so they don’t dry or die. For some lazy folks, it may be a tedious process, but by maintaining a due standard of care, you are disciplining yourself by constantly devoting time to your plant.

Plants can reduce various toxins that either enter or build up in homes and buildings. Plants remove volatile gaseous molecules that may cause some form of air pollution. Some plants may dispel this compound from the air within days, while others take weeks.

House plants are aesthetically pleasing and pair well with the interior décor of modern homes. But beyond everything, they signal a new eco-friendly green vibe that pushes a general and better narrative toward cleaner air and a healthier environment.

Take a look at a few plants that are easy to take care
of and special for their air purifying purposes-

Snake Plant
The Snake Plant is the mother of all plants and with her in your bedroom, you are in for a good night’s sleep thanks to her oxygen replenishing qualities. This plant is great for filtering the air of formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene.

Brighten up your living room or kitchen with beautiful chrysanthemums. These energetic beauties will displace a host of toxins released by plastic, glue, and other chemical products. Be sure to bask them in the sunlight daily.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a great plant because it has multiple benefits besides its air-purifying quality. Aloe Vera is a dry plant that doesn’t need to be watered. You can extract the gel from the plant for skincare purposes.

Weeping Fig
Weeping figs are popular plants that have been in use since Victorian times. Keep your weeping figs away from drafts and expose them to bright, indirect lights so they live for years to come.

Taking care of household plants can be time-consuming, but recommended in the long run for a plethora of benefits they can award. Thematize your home with special plants that can lighten your mood, alleviate stress, and improve the quality of the air you breathe.