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Winter comes with a profuse requirement of furnaces. Taking care of your furnace becomes an absolute necessity, especially during the coldest months of the year. There are certain winter furnace issues that one needs to look out for to keep their families warm and comfortable throughout the year, and to save themselves from expensive repairs and replacements.

Here are some of these issues:

Dirty Filters and Blocked Airways
There could be several reasons causing improper circulation of air in your home, especially in the rooms that are colder than the others. One of the most common problems that hinder air circulation is clogged filters which end up blocking the airways, preventing your home from reaching its maximum heating potential. If this is the issue, cleaning or changing the filters is the best solution.

Frozen Pipes & Coils
When the temperature drops, ice forms over hydronic systems which keeps steam from passing through. This is when the pipes tend to freeze. This could also result in a potential breakdown of the HVAC system, something you most certainly don’t want to experience during the winter. Keeping ice off the pipes and coils of the HVAC system is therefore extremely important.

Excessive Cycling
If your furnace is constantly switching itself on and off, this could be an indicator of a blocked filter, impeded airflow, or an incorrect thermostat setting. It could also be a sign your house is leaking air. You must either fix this or call a professional.

Production of Carbon Monoxide Gas from the Furnace
Incomplete combustion can result in a major leak of carbon monoxide gas which is colorless and odorless. It can poison people and pets. For safety reasons, you should always install carbon monoxide detectors and alarms to avoid poisoning. This is both a safety and a long term health requirement.

Dry Air
Dry air is one of the biggest and most common problems people experience during the winter. Air quality products and humidifiers are recommended in such cases as they help keep the air of your home fresh and clean and put the moisture back into the dry winter air.

Ineffective Thermostat
To heat your home to a certain temperature and control the furnace, a perfectly fine and effective thermostat is essential. A defective thermostat can force the furnace to work overtime, which could lead to a potential increment in the energy usage (and the utility bill costs). To check whether your thermostat is working properly or not, take note of your home’s temperature, whether it feels too hot or too cold, or if it fluctuates. If there is any malfunctioning thermostat issue, get it checked by your HVAC contractor.

It is very important to keep your furnace and home’s heating system free from any issues as frigid temperatures could ruin your winter.