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While deciding which way is ideal to cool your home on those blistering summer days, it very well may be difficult to determine the best one for your home. The most common choices that you have to confront are window units and central air cooling. Given below are certain tips and information that would help you make the right choice.

Features and efficiency

A window AC unit just won’t have the astounding highlights of a central air conditioner or provide the kind of air filtration offered by a central system. This can make a lot of difference for those who have bad allergies or asthma.

Even cooling

A window AC unit will be chilled and frosty close to the unit, yet leave the spots in other parts of the room warm. This happens because it cannot circulate the cold air within the room as effectively as a central air conditioner.

Whole house cooling

A central AC unit can cool your entire house ideally. However, a window unit can only cool the space where it has been installed.


Although window AC units are being improved upon to be able to filter air more suitably, their ability to do the same is dwarfed by central air conditioners to a great extent. The latter can significantly improve the indoor air quality of your property.

All factors being considered, most homeowners would decide to go for central air conditioning units. However, there is one more factor that you must take into account too because it makes a substantial difference: the cost. Central AC units are obviously more expensive to install compared to window units. However, if you looking to ensure proper cooling for multiple rooms in a large house, it’s better to go for central air conditioning to ensure great savings on installation costs as well as energy bills.

A central air conditioner is the best choice when it comes to improving the indoor air quality of a large property and guaranteeing uniform cooling, without any hot spots remaining behind.

Are you planning to buy a central air conditioner for your home? If yes, then consult with our professionals at Mid Atlantic Heating & Air. We can help you find the most suitable central AC unit to address and fulfill your cooling requirements so that you can establish the ideal ambiance and desired level of comfort within your living spaces.