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An increase in your energy bill during the hot summer months is irritating. Rather than bleeding your bank account dry, follow these simple tips to lower your energy bill during the hot summer months significantly. And, if it turns out that you just might need a new air conditioning system or unit, after all, Mid Atlantic Heating and Cooling has you covered!

Keep the Exterior of Your House Green

When the sun shines on your roof, heat accumulates inside the house. The solution to this is planting trees around the exterior of your home to stop the sun from shining directly on your roof. Many nurseries stock 15- to 20-foot-tall trees perfect for guarding your house against the sun.

Raise Your Default Temperature A Bit

Forget your last default temperature and discover your new normal! By increasing your “default” temperature a degree, you will save on your energy bill without compromising the comfort of your home.

Use Fans To Feel Cooler

Think you need to amp up the thermostat to feel cooler? Consider running fans and the air conditioner at the same time. Running both will make a room feel 10 degrees cooler and minimize your cooling costs by about 15%-25%. You can even set the air conditioner a few degrees warmer while using fans without sweating it.

Maintain or Replace Your Air Conditioner

Proper HVAC maintenance allows 15% to 20% energy reduction of how much electricity you typically use. To reduce your electricity bill, your AC must work efficiently, and for that, keeping the filter clean to ensure proper air flow and cleaning out the drain on your air conditioner unit is ideal. If your air conditioner is below its prime, you should buy a newer unit to reduce your energy costs by up to half of what they currently are.

Draw the Curtains or Blinds

No matter how much you love the natural light in your home, direct sunlight entering through a window does heat up the house. Pull the curtains or blinds shut to keep out the sun and to insulate your windows from cold air escaping.

Place Your Thermostat on the Right Wall

Never set your thermostat on a wall right next to a hot window. If your thermostat is by the heat, it will cause your air conditioner to kick on more frequently because it assumes the room is warmer than it is.

However, after trying all the tips in the world, it may turn out you simply DO need a new air conditioning unit. If that’s the case, we at Mid Atlantic Heating & Cooling have you covered. Call us today at 703-447-8046 to find out how we can help you beat the heat this summer! We have a variety of brands and units to fit whatever your needs (or budget) may be. We look forward to hearing from you.